Saturday, May 31, 2008

Are You Dying in Inefficient Meetings?

Four years after the book Death by Meeting, people are still dying in inefficient meetings. Nothing makes me crazier than to sit in a meeting with someone grandstanding or taking the meeting off on a tangent, wasting everyone's precious time. This problem is rampant, and most people hate it. I surveyed 1000 business people over the last 3 years and found only 7 people who are happy with the efficiency, productivity, and time spent in meetings they attend. That is .7%!!  . . . . not a very good showing. 

The desire to change meetings is pretty universal in the US; the motivation exists; smart business people are running the show - so what's the problem? Here it is in a nutshell:
1. There has been no comprehensive solution or way to implement it. 
2. We are creatures of habit. This is especially true when a habit is part of our culture and there is a long history of doing a certain way. 
3. People are too busy with a multitude of urgent priorities to make the time to step back and figure out the way to change it. Until now...

I just spent a year of my life coming up with a solution. It is a get-to-the-point, cut-out-the-fluff meeting method to replace the current meeting rituals that have their roots in Robert's Rules of Order. 

See "Robert's Rules of Order are Dead" blog entry

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